List all DMV’s that are available in the current version of PowerPivot: SELECT [SchemaName] FROM $system.discover_schema_rowsets ORDER BY [SchemaName] ASC List all Tables in a Model along with their Date-Created and Date-Modified: SELECT [TABLE_NAME], [DATE_CREATED], [DATE_MODIFIED] FROM $system.DBSCHEMA_TABLES WHERE[TABLE_SCHEMA] = 'MODEL' AND [TABLE_TYPE] = 'SYSTEM TABLE' List all the Columns in the Model along with their Table Names: SELECT [TABLE_NAME], [COLUMN_NAME] FROM $system.DBSCHEMA_COLUMNS WHERE [TABLE_SCHEMA] = 'Model' AND [COLUMN_OLAP_TYPE] = 'ATTRIBUTE' List all Calculated Columns and their Formula: SELECT DISTINCT [Table], [Object], [Expression] FROM $system.discover_calc_dependency WHERE Object_Type = 'CALC_COLUMN' List all Measures and their Formulas: SELECT DISTINCT [Table], [Object], [Expression] FROM $system.discover_calc_dependency WHERE Object_Type = 'MEASURE'